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Obtaining access to the production CIP-API

To obtain credentials to production CIP-API for the GMS, Third Party Integrators (TPIs) first have to go through the NHSE / GeL "NGIS TPI Onboarding" process.


TPI Integrator Test Pack

Before TPIs are issued production credentials, as part of the onboarding process above, TPIs need to provide evidence to the NHSE / GeL "Integtator Assurance Board" (IAB) that their integration is aware of the following "edge" scenarios

As part of the TPI onboarding, a meeting will be arranged with the integrator to review these scenarios and ensure the integrating application is handling them appropriately.

Vanilla Test Cases

As well as the "edge cases" described above the UAT environment contains a number of "vanilla" test cases that can be loaded into TPI applications for their testing purposes.

Other APIs in NGIS

The CIP-API represents one of the applications within National Genomics Informatics Service (NGIS) that Genomic Laboratory Hubs (GLHs) within the Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) may wish to integrate with.

Other NGIS APIs include:

Last update: 2023-03-01