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Identifiers in the CIP-API

The aim of this section is to describe some of the different identifiers present in the data returned by the CIP-API

Definitions of any additional identifiers not listed below can be found in the GeL Report Models Documentation


The CIP-API does not hold any "strong" personal identifiable data e.g. first names, surnames, dates of birth, NHS numbers addresses. Third Party Integrators (TPIs) that require this data need to use the CIP-API in combination with the re-identification service, as described here

Genomic Medicine Service Identifiers

Identifier Example Description
Referral ID r12345678921 The NGIS referral ID is a system assigned identifier for each referral.
The NGIS referral ID is in a human readable format and has the following characteristics:
- Twelve characters
- r is the literal "r" character
- Y is the two-digit year (21 for 2021) when the referral was created
- N is a 8 character string of digits (0-9)
- C is a calculated check digit.
Patient ID p98765432190 The NGIS patient ID is a system assigned identifier for each patient.
The NGIS patient ID is in a human readable format and has the following characteristics:
- Twelve characters
- p is the literal "p" character
- N is a ten character string of digits (0-9)
- C is a calculated check digit.
Generally, a patient will have a single Sample ID.
Cohort ID r12345678921_10000 This identifier is the "Family ID / Group ID" with a "_" suffix version number. It represents the "version" of the data used in analysis in our internal catalog database
Sample ID LP1000999-DNA_A01 Also known as the "LP number" or "Plate Key", this is the unique identifier for each WGS sample. It is composed of the 96 well plate ID (e.g. LP1000999) and the co-ordinates of the well on that plate "A01" that the sample was in when the it was sequenced by Illumina
Interpretation Request ID SAP-1234-1
This identifier is an auto incremented ID from the CIP-API database that represents the results of the WGS pipeline interpretation that has happened for that family. It is made up of a DSS prefix (e.g. SAP-), a request id (e.g. 1234), and a version (e.g. -1)
Lab Sample ID 1234567890 This identifier comes from the laboratory that submitted the sample. It is the ID that is on the tube of DNA that the sample aliquot was taken from when the referral was first ordered.

100K Genomes Project Identifiers

Identifier Example Description
Family ID / Group ID 123456789 or FM50009999 This is similar to the GMS referral ID, it represents a family (made up one or more related 100K Project participants) or two samples (tumour-normal) from a 100K Project Cancer Participant
Participant ID 987654321 This identifier represents a single 100K project participant. Generally, a participant will have a single Sample ID. In some instances we have 100K participants with only phenotypic data and no WGS data - in these instances the participant ID is prefixed with NR_ and the samples array in the Pedigree Member is empty
Proband ID 987654321 This identifier represents the "index" case in a 100K Project rare disease family
Cohort ID 123456789_10000 This identifier is the "Family ID / Group ID" with a "_" suffix version number. It represents the "version" of the data used in analysis in our internal catalog database
Sample ID LP1000999-DNA_A01 Also known as the "LP number" or "Plate Key", this is the unique identifier for each WGS sample. It is composed of the 96 well plate ID (e.g. LP1000999) and the co-ordinates of the well on that plate "A01" that the sample was in when the it was sequenced by Illumina
Interpretation Request ID SAP-1234-1
This identifier is an auto incremented ID from the CIP-API database that represents the results of the WGS pipeline interpretation that has happened for that family. It is made up of a DSS prefix (e.g. SAP-), a request id (e.g. 1234), and a version (e.g. -1)

Last update: 2022-03-25