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Congenica Clinical Report Data

Description of the Clinical Report Data produced from Congenica DSS v2.4.0.3

Clinical Report Data

Field Name Type Description
interpretationRequestId* string This is the interpretation request identifier (i.e. the 123; in SAP-123-1)
interpretationRequestVersion int This is the version of the interpretation request identifier (i.e. the 1; in SAP-123-1)
reportingDate string Date of this report in format YYYY-MM-DD
user string Author of this report, from Congenica this is returned as email address of the user who is logged in
variants array[SmallVariant] List of small variants that have been flagged by users as Primary Findings in the Congenica application
structuralVariants array[StructuralVariant] List of simple structural variants (duplications, deletions, insertions, inversions, CNVs) that have been flagged by users as Primary Findings in the Congenica application
chromosomalRearrangements array[ChromosomalRearrangement] Always null. Interpretation Platform currently does not perform analysis for Chromosomal Rearrangements
shortTandemRepeats array[ShortTandemRepeat] List of STRs that have been flagged by users as Primary Findings in the Congenica application
uniparentalDisomies array[UniparentalDisomy] Always null. UPDs are not reported in Congenica application
karyotypes array[Karyotype] Always null. Karyotypes are not reported in Congenica application
genomicInterpretation string Free text comments added into the DSS application
additionalAnalysisPanels array[AdditionalAnalysisPanel] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
references array[string] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
referenceDatabasesVersions map[string] This map contains the versions of the different databases used in the Congenica when the Clinical Report was created. The database names are the keys and the versions are the values.
softwareVersions map[string] This map contains the versions of the different software systems used in the analysis, the keys being the software names and the versions are the values.
  "clinicalReportData": {
    "interpretationRequestId": "2799",
    "interpretationRequestVersion": 1,
    "reportingDate": "2020-03-12",
    "user": "",
    "variants": [
        "variantCoordinates": {
          "chromosome": "1",
          "position": 9999999999,
          "reference": "A",
          "alternate": "G",
          "assembly": "GRCh38"
        "variantCalls": [
            "participantId": "p11111111111",
            "sampleId": "LP9000999-DNA_F99",
            "zygosity": "heterozygous",
            "phaseGenotype": null,
            "sampleVariantAlleleFrequency": null,
            "depthReference": null,
            "depthAlternate": null,
            "numberOfCopies": null,
            "alleleOrigins": null,
            "supportingReadTypes": null
        "reportEvents": [
            "reportEventId": "108658",
            "phenotypes": {
              "nonStandardPhenotype": [],
              "standardPhenotypes": []
            "variantConsequences": [],
            "genePanel": null,
            "modeOfInheritance": "na",
            "genomicEntities": [
                "type": "gene",
                "ensemblId": "ENSG00000157766",
                "geneSymbol": "ACAN",
                "otherIds": null
            "segregationPattern": null,
            "penetrance": null,
            "deNovoQualityScore": null,
            "fullyExplainsPhenotype": false,
            "groupOfVariants": null,
            "eventJustification": "UAT comments 12/03/2020",
            "roleInCancer": null,
            "actions": null,
            "score": null,
            "vendorSpecificScores": null,
            "variantClassification": {
              "clinicalSignificance": "likely_pathogenic",
              "drugResponseClassification": null,
              "traitAssociation": null,
              "tumorigenesisClassification": null,
              "functionalEffect": null
            "guidelineBasedVariantClassification": null,
            "algorithmBasedVariantClassifications": null,
            "tier": null,
            "domain": null
        "variantAttributes": {
          "genomicChanges": null,
          "cdnaChanges": null,
          "proteinChanges": null,
          "additionalTextualVariantAnnotations": {
            "confirmation": "Passed",
            "report_category": "Primary finding"
          "references": {},
          "variantIdentifiers": null,
          "alleleFrequencies": null,
          "additionalNumericVariantAnnotations": null,
          "comments": [
            "UAT comments 12/03/2020"
          "alleleOrigins": null,
          "ihp": null,
          "recurrentlyReported": null,
          "fdp50": null,
          "others": null
    "structuralVariants": [],
    "chromosomalRearrangements": null,
    "shortTandemRepeats": null,
    "genomicInterpretation": "UAT comments - patient comments - 12/03/2020, UAT_12032020",
    "additionalAnalysisPanels": null,
    "references": [],
    "referenceDatabasesVersions": {
      "1000": "Phase 1 data",
      "EVS": "ESP6500SI-V2 (",
      "HPO": "#1248 (12 December 2017)",
      "VEP": "Ensembl 90",
      "GNOMAD": "gnomad 2.0.2\r\n(",
      "ClinVar": "ClinVar 2019-03",
      "Ensembl": "90",
      "Assembly": "GRCh38",
      "Decipher": "Decipher SNV 2019-07",
      "Mastermind": "Mastermind SNV CVR-2 2019-06",
      "DecipherCNV": "Decipher CNV 2019-07"
    "softwareVersions": {
      "congenica": ""

Congenica Clinical Report - SmallVariant

Field Name Type Description
variantCoordinates* VariantCoordinates The variant coordinates. Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT, or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected. The position is 1- based. Reference and alternate should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g. . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected.
variantCalls* array[VariantCall] List of variant calls across all samples under analysis for this variant
reportEvents* array[ReportEvent] The list of report events for this variant across multiple modes of inheritance, panels and
variantAttributes VariantAttributes Variant Attributes
"variants": [
    "variantCoordinates": {...},
    "variantCalls": [...],
    "reportEvents": [...],
    "variantAttributes": {...}

Congenica Clinical Report - StructuralVariant

Field Name Type Description
variantType StructuralVariantType (enumeration) One of ins, dup, inv, amplification, deletion, dup_tandem, del_me, ins_me
coordinates Coordinates The variant coordinates.
leftInsSeq string Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
rightInsSeq string Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
reportEvents array[ReportEvent] The list of report events for this variant across multiple modes of inheritance and panels
variantCalls array[VariantCall] List of variant calls across all samples under analysis for this variant
variantAttributes VariantAttributes Variant attributes

Congenica Clinical Report - VariantCoordinates

Field Name Type Description
assembly string GRCh37 or GRCh38
chromosome string Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected
position integer Position is 1- based
reference string Reference should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected
alternate string Alternate should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected
"variantCoordinates": {
  "chromosome": "1",
  "position": 9999999999,
  "reference": "A",
  "alternate": "G",
  "assembly": "GRCh38"

Congenica Clinical Report - Coordinates

Field Name Type Description
assembly Assembly Enum Can either be GRCh38 or GRCh37
chromosome string Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected
start integer Position is 1- based
end integer Position is 1- based
ciStart null ConfidenceInterval Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
ciEnd null ConfidenceInterval Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field

Congenica Clinical Report - ReportEvent

Field Name Type Description
reportEventId* Integer Unique identifier for each report event, this is unique across the whole report.
phenotypes* Phenotypes List of phenotypes relevant to this report event
variantConsequences* array[VariantConsequence] Always an empty list, Congenica does not populate the list of consequences
genePanel GenePanel Always null. Congenica does not use GenePanels in the ClinicalReports
modeOfInheritance* ModeOfInheritance (enumeration) Congenica populate this as na
genomicEntities array[[GenomicEntity]] List of all of the genomic entities relevant for this report event.
segregationPattern SegregationPattern (enumeration) Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
penetrance Penetrance (enumeration) Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
deNovoQualityScore float Always null. Congenica does not populate this score in ClinicalReports
fullyExplainsPhenotype boolean True or False depending on what the user selects in the DSS
groupOfVariants integer Currently, congenica does not use this field though there is a pending change request for them to start using it to group variants (e.g. comp hets) together
eventJustification string Free text field detailing why this variant was included in the Clinical Report
roleInCancer array[RoleInCancer] Always null. Congenica does not use roleInCancer to classify variants
actions Actions Always null. Congenica does not use actions to classify variants
score float Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
vendorSpecificScores map[string, float] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
variantClassification VariantClassification This should be populated according to the VariantClassification model according to the variant classification set in the DSS by the user interpreting the case
guidelineBasedVariantClassification GuidelineBasedVariantClassification Only set if an ACMG variant classification is performed in Congenica
algorithmBasedVariantClassifications array[AlgorithmBasedVariantClassification] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
tier Tier Can be either Null, NONE, TIER1, TIER2, TIER3, TIER4, TIER5, TIERA, TIERB
domain Domain Always null. Congenica does not use domain to classify variants
    "reportEventId": "108658",
    "phenotypes": {
      "nonStandardPhenotype": [],
      "standardPhenotypes": []
    "variantConsequences": [],
    "genePanel": null,
    "modeOfInheritance": "na",
    "genomicEntities": [...],
    "segregationPattern": null,
    "penetrance": null,
    "deNovoQualityScore": null,
    "fullyExplainsPhenotype": false,
    "groupOfVariants": null,
    "eventJustification": "UAT comments 12/03/2020",
    "roleInCancer": null,
    "actions": null,
    "score": null,
    "vendorSpecificScores": null,
    "variantClassification": {
      "clinicalSignificance": "likely_pathogenic",
      "drugResponseClassification": null,
      "traitAssociation": null,
      "tumorigenesisClassification": null,
      "functionalEffect": null
    "guidelineBasedVariantClassification": null,
    "algorithmBasedVariantClassifications": null,
    "tier": null,
    "domain": null

Congenica Clinical Report - GenomicEntity

Field Name Type Description
type* GenomicEntityType (enumeration) The type of the genomic entity. gene is the only value expected for Congenica in this field.
ensemblId string Ensembl identifier for the feature. Ensembl Ids are based on the version of Ensembl reported in referenceDatabasesVersions
geneSymbol string The HGNC gene symbol. Congenica will always populate this field with the gene symbol. Gene symbols are based on the version of Ensembl reported in referenceDatabasesVersions
otherIds array[Identifier] Always null. Congenica does not use any other identifiers.
    "type": "gene",
    "ensemblId": "ENSG00000157766",
    "geneSymbol": "ACAN",
    "otherIds": null

Congenica Clinical Report - VariantCall

Field Name Type Description
participantId* string Participant id
sampleId* string Sample id
zygosity* Zygosity(enumeration) Variant zygosity
phaseGenotype PhaseGenotype Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
sampleVariantAlleleFrequency double Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
depthReference integer Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
depthAlternate integer Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
numberOfCopies array[NumberOfCopies] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
alleleOrigins array[AlleleOrigin] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
supportingReadTypes SupportingReadType(enumeration) Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
    "participantId": "p11111111111",
    "sampleId": "LP9000999-DNA_F99",
    "zygosity": "heterozygous",
    "phaseGenotype": null,
    "sampleVariantAlleleFrequency": null,
    "depthReference": null,
    "depthAlternate": null,
    "numberOfCopies": null,
    "alleleOrigins": null,
    "supportingReadTypes": null

Congenica Clinical Report - VariantAttributes

Field Name Type Description
genomicChanges array[string] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
cdnaChanges array[string] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
proteinChanges array[string] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
additionalTextualVariantAnnotations map[string] Any additional information in a free text field. Congenica uses this field to populate details about whether a variant was confirmed or not and its report category
references map[string] List of pubmed IDs entered into the DSS system
variantIdentifiers VariantIdentifiers Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
alleleFrequencies array[AlleleFrequency] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
additionalNumericVariantAnnotations map[float] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
comments array[string] Variant level free text interpretative comments written by the user in the Congenica application are stored here
alleleOrigins array[AlleleOrigin] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
ihp integer Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
recurrentlyReported boolean Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
fdp50 float Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
others map[string] Always null. Congenica does not populate this field
"variantAttributes": {
  "genomicChanges": null,
  "cdnaChanges": null,
  "proteinChanges": null,
  "additionalTextualVariantAnnotations": {
    "confirmation": "Passed",
    "report_category": "Primary finding"
  "references": {},
  "variantIdentifiers": null,
  "alleleFrequencies": null,
  "additionalNumericVariantAnnotations": null,
  "comments": ["UAT comments 12/03/2020"],
  "alleleOrigins": null,
  "ihp": null,
  "recurrentlyReported": null,
  "fdp50": null,
  "others": null

Last update: 2023-03-01