Pedigree Data Description


There are two pedigrees available for GMS rare disease referrals, one in the referral data section and the other in the interpretation request section of a response.

The pedigree in the referral data section is the information inputted at the test order stage The pedigree in the interpretation request section is the pedigree outputted from the bioinformatics pipeline

They can contain different information e.g. the sample IDs are only in the pedigree of the interpretation request

Field name Data type Value description
versionControl VersionControl Always null
LDPCode string Always null
familyId string Human readable referral ID (e.g. r1234567890)
members array List of members of a pedigree. See PedigreeMember. UPDATE: In GelReportModels release 7.7 (part of Anna NGIS release) labSampleId part of participant (v1.3.0) in the array of GermlineSamples is now a String, previously and integer
analysisPanels array Always null in referral pedigree. Can be found in ReferralTest > analysisPanels (see above).
diseasePenetrances array Always null in referral pedigree. Can be found in ReferralTest > diseasePenetrances (see above).
readyForAnalysis boolean Flag indicating if a pedigree is ready for analysis
familyQCState FamilyQCState Only present for rare disease cases. See FamilyQCState for available options.

Last update: 2022-10-25