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Rare Disease Tiering Interpretation Service Data

Rare Disease Tiering Service

*Mandatory field


It is highly recommended to read the technical documentation for the rare disease tiering available in this link where, the the algorithm is described and the gene lists used for this analysis are available.

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 produces an Interpreted Genome with the following fields populated

Field Name Type Description
comments array[string] Always null
variants array[SmallVariant] List of small reported variants by rare disease tiering service. An empty list will indicate the absence of reported small variants for this case.
reportUrl string Always Null
karyotypes array[Karyotype] Always null. Rare Disease Tiering service does not perform analysis for Karyotypes
versionControl* ReportVersionControl rare disease tiering data is represented using version 6.0.0 of Interpreted Genome Model. More details:
softwareVersions* map[string, string] This map contains the versions of the different software systems used in the analysis, the keys being the software names and the versions are the values.
shortTandemRepeats array[ShortTandemRepeat] List of reported STR by tiering. The Short Tandem Repeats array may be empty since not all cases have tiered STRs.
structuralVariants array[StructuralVariant] List of structural variants reported by tiering. This version of the tiering will only report on CNVs no other structural variants are expected here.
uniparentalDisomies array[UniparentalDisomy] Always null. rare disease tiering service does not perform analysis for uniparentalDisomies
interpretationService* string Fixed value. genomics_england_tiering
interpretationRequestId* string Full id of the case in the cipapi. Generally something like: SAP-XXXX-XX
chromosomalRearrangements array[ChromosomalRearrangement] Always null. Rare Disease Tiering service does not perform analysis for chromosomal Rearrangements
referenceDatabasesVersions* map[string, string] This map contains the versions of the different databases used in the analysis, being the database names the keys and the versions the values. For a description of the data sources, please see this table. These are the expected values:
"Cancer Analysis Resources": "v1.11"
"ClinVar": "2019-06"
"1000 genomes project": "ENSEMBL liftover"
"DiscovEHR": "GHS Freeze 50 + GeL liftover"
"GoNL": "Release 5 + GeL liftover"
"COSMIC": "v89"
"gnomAD": "2.0.1 + GeL liftover"
"ENSEMBL_variation": "90_38"
"ENSEMBL_gene": "90_38"
"UK10K project": "2016-02-15 + GeL liftover""ENSEMBL_genome": "90_38"
interpretationRequestVersion integer Version for the interpretation request. This will be the case version in the cipapi.
interpreted_genome_data: {
comments: null,
variants: [...],
reportUrl: null,
karyotypes: null,
versionControl: {...},
softwareVersions: {},
shortTandemRepeats: null,
structuralVariants: [...],
uniparentalDisomies: null,
interpretationService: "genomics_england_tiering",
interpretationRequestId: "GEL-2534-1",
chromosomalRearrangements: null,
referenceDatabasesVersions: {},
interpretationRequestVersion: 1

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - SmallVariant

Field Name Type Description
reportEvents* array[ReportEvent] The list of report events for this variant across multiple modes of inheritance, panels and
variantCalls* array[VariantCall] List of variant calls across all samples under analysis for this variant
variantAttributes VariantAttributes A reported variant
variantCoordinates* VariantCoordinates The variant coordinates. Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected. Position is 1- based. Reference and alternate should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected.
variants: [
    reportEvents: [...],
    variantCalls: [...],
    variantAttributes: {...},
    variantCoordinates: {...}

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - StructuralVariant

Field Name Type Description
leftInsSeq String Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
coordinates* Coordinates The variant coordinates. Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected. Position is 1- based. Reference and alternate should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected. For Structural Variants, reference and alternate fields are not populated.
rightInsSeq String Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
variantType String Type of structural variant. Expected values for this tiering version are: amplification, deletion
reportEvents* array[ReportEvent] The list of report events for this variant across multiple modes of inheritance, panels and
variantCalls* array[VariantCall] List of variant calls across all samples under analysis for this variant
variantAttributes VariantAttributes A reported variant
structuralVariants: [
leftInsSeq: null,
coordinates: {...},
rightInsSeq: null,
variantType: "amplification",
reportEvents: [...],
variantCalls: [...],
variantAttributes: {...}

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - ShortTandemRepeats

Field Name Type Description
coordinates* Coordinates The variant coordinates. Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected. Position is 1- based. Reference and alternate should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected. For Structural Variants, reference and alternate fields are not populated.
variantCalls* array[VariantCall] List of variant calls across all samples under analysis for this variant
reportEvents* array[ReportEvent] The list of report events for this variant across multiple modes of inheritance, panels and
variantAttributes VariantAttributes A reported variant
shortTandemRepeatReferenceData ShortTandemRepeatReferenceData Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - Coordinates

Field Name Type Description
end integer Position is 1- based
ciEnd ConfidenceInterval Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
start integer Position is 1- based
ciStart ConfidenceInterval Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
assembly Assembly Enum Can either be GRCh38 or GRCh37
chromosome string Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected
coordinates: {
end: 5767118,
ciEnd: null,
start: 5367043,
ciStart: null,
assembly: "GRCh37",
chromosome: "3"

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - VariantCoordinates

Field Name Type Description
assembly string Can either be GRCh38 or GRCh37
chromosome string Chromosome is either 1-22, X, Y, MT or any other contig in the reference genome, no chr prefix is expected
position integer Position is 1- based
reference string Reference should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected
alternate string Alternate should never be empty or any character representing emptiness (e.g.: . or -), a VCF-like indel representation is expected (if there are multiple they will be separated by commas ( , ) )
variantCoordinates: {
assembly: "GRCh37",
chromosome: "14"
position: 21953514,
reference: "C",
alternate: "T",

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - VariantCall

Field Name Type Description
sampleId* string Sample id
zygosity* Zygosity(enumeration) Variant zygosity
alleleOrigins array[AlleleOrigin] Fixed value: [germline_variant]. Rare disease tiering analysis is only for germline variants
participantId* string Participant id
phaseGenotype PhaseGenotype Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
depthAlternate integer Integer with the Depth value for the alternate allele.
depthReference integer Integer with the Depth value for the reference allele.
numberOfCopies array[NumberOfCopies] Alleles for copy number variation. This field is populated for CNV calls.
supportingReadTypes SupportingReadType(enumeration) Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
sampleVariantAlleleFrequency double Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
variantCalls: [
sampleId: "NA19248",
zygosity: "heterozygous",
alleleOrigins: ["germline_variant"],
participantId: "participant_NA19248",
phaseGenotype: null,
depthAlternate: 11,
depthReference: 10,
numberOfCopies: null,
supportingReadTypes: null,
sampleVariantAlleleFrequency: null

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - VariantAttributes

Field Name Type Description
ihp integer Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
fdp50 float Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
others map[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
comments array[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
references map[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
cdnaChanges array[string] List of cdna changes: HGVS nomenclature (e.g.: "ENST00000360004(ENSG00000196126):c.308C]T"). This data is obtain from cellbase (v4.7.1). Cellbase uses ENSMBL 90.
alleleOrigins array[AlleleOrigin] Fixed value: [germline_variant]. rare disease tiering analysis is only for germline variants
genomicChanges array[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
proteinChanges array[string] List of protein changes: HGVS nomenclature (e.g.: "ENSP00000478104:p.Arg2432Cys") from cellbase.
NOTE: HGVS protein was introduced in tiering v1.4.4 ("Bill" NGIS release).
In interpreted genomes produced by earlier versions, this field will be null.
alleleFrequencies array[AlleleFrequency] See table for AlleleFrequency. This field may be an empty array.
variantIdentifiers VariantIdentifiers See table for VariantIdentifiers
recurrentlyReported boolean Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
additionalNumericVariantAnnotations map[float] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
additionalTextualVariantAnnotations map[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
variantAttributes: {
    ihp: null,
    fdp50: null,
    others: null,
    comments: null,
    references: null,
    cdnaChanges: null,
    alleleOrigins: ["germline_variant"],
    genomicChanges: null,
    proteinChanges: null,
    alleleFrequencies: [...],
    variantIdentifiers: {},
    recurrentlyReported: null,
    additionalNumericVariantAnnotations: null,
    additionalTextualVariantAnnotations: {ConsequenceType: "intron_variant"}

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - AlleleFrequency

Field Name Type Description
study* string The study from where this data comes from. See table.
population* string The specific population where this allele frequency belongs. See table.
alternateFrequency* float The frequency of the alternate allele
alleleFrequencies: [
    study: "GNOMAD_GENOMES",
    population: "ALL",
    alternateFrequency: 0.21879612

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - VariantIdentifiers

Field Name Type Description
dbSnpId null string Variant Identifier in dbSNP format e.g. rs17884070
otherIds null array[Identifier] rare disease tiering always fills in this field with one single element being the id of the variant obtain by concatenating the chromosome the position and the reference allele.
cosmicIds null array[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
clinVarIds null array[string] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
variantIdentifiers: {
dbSnpId: "rs34647735",
otherIds: null,
cosmicIds: null,
clinVarIds: null

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - ReportEvent

Field Name Type Description
tier Tier [Enum] rare disease tiering only uses TIER1, TIER2 and TIER3. For a further description on these values please see the technical documentation in this link
score float Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
domain Domain Always null. Exomiser does not use domain to classify variants.
actions Actions Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
genePanel GenePanel Always Populated with GenePanel objects associated to this report event.
penetrance Penetrance (enumeration) This is the penetrance assumed for scoring or classifying this variant. For a further description on these values please see the technical documentation in this link
phenotypes* Phenotypes List of phenotypes relevant to this report event, only populates the nonStandardPhenotype, which always correspond to the clinical indication for which this report event has been issued. For example: {nonStandardPhenotype: disease name present in panelstandardPhenotypes: always null}
roleInCancer array[RoleInCancer] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
reportEventId* String Unique identifier for each report event, this is unique across the whole report. Although it is a String, it is always filled with an integer converted to string.
genomicEntities array[GenomicEntity] List of all of the genomic entities relevant for this report event. Can be null.
groupOfVariants integer This value groups variants that together could explain the phenotype according to the mode of inheritance used. (e.g.: compound heterozygous). All the variants in the same report sharing the same value will be considered in the same group (i.e.: reported together). This value is an integer unique in the whole report. These values are only relevant within the same report.
modeOfInheritance* ModeOfInheritance (enumeration) rare disease tiering populates this field with any value from the enumeration. For a further description on these values please see the technical documentation in this link
deNovoQualityScore float Can be null or a float when populated.
eventJustification string Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
segregationPattern SegregationPattern (enumeration) rare disease tiering populates this field with any value from the enumeration. For a further description on these values please see the technical documentation in this link
variantConsequences* array[VariantConsequence] Variant consequence ID and name. For each possible consequence type that is compatible with this report event. This information is calculated using cellbase (v4.7.1). Cellbase uses ENSMBL 90 to calculate the impact of the variant in the genes.
vendorSpecificScores map[string, float] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
variantClassification VariantClassification Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
fullyExplainsPhenotype boolean Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
guidelineBasedVariantClassification GuidelineBasedVariantClassification Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
algorithmBasedVariantClassifications array[AlgorithmBasedVariantClassification] Always null. rare disease tiering does not populate this field
reportEvents: [
    tier: "TIER3",
    score: null,
    domain: null,
    actions: null,
    genePanel: {...},
    penetrance: "complete",
    phenotypes: {},
    roleInCancer: null,
    reportEventId: "re212097",
    genomicEntities: [...],
    groupOfVariants: 212097,
    modeOfInheritance: "monoallelic",
    deNovoQualityScore: null,
    eventJustification: "test",
    segregationPattern: null,
    variantConsequences: [...],
    vendorSpecificScores: null,
    variantClassification: null,
    fullyExplainsPhenotype: null,
    guidelineBasedVariantClassification: null,
    algorithmBasedVariantClassifications: null

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - GenePanel

Field Name Type Description
panelIdentifier null string Panel ID used
panelName null string Panel name used
panelVersion null string Panel version
source null string source is always panelapp
    genePanel: {
    panelIdentifier: 123
    panelName: "Intellectual disability",
    panelVersion: "1.655",
    source: "panelapp",

Rare Disease Tiering v1.4.4 - GenomicEntities

Field Name Type Description
type** GenomicEntityType Enum The type of the genomic entity: genomic_region, gene, cytobands and transcript are the expected values for rare disease tiering.
otherIds array[Identifier] When type is genomic_region a panelApp region id will be reported:
{source: PanelAppidentifier: region name}
when the type is cytoband a cytoband id will be reported:{ source: cytoband,identifier: p36.21
ensemblId string Ensembl identifier for the feature (e.g, ENST00000544455) This data is obtain from cellbase (v4.7.1). Cellbase uses ENSMBL 90.
geneSymbol string HGNC gene symbol e.g. LCE3C. This data is obtain from cellbase (v4.7.1). Cellbase uses ENSMBL 90.
genomicEntities: [
type: "transcript",
otherIds: null,
ensemblId: "ENST00000416256",
geneSymbol: "TOX4"
type: "gene",
otherIds: null,
ensemblId: "ENSG00000092203",
geneSymbol: "TOX4"

Last update: 2023-03-01