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Referrals & Referral Test Data description

Referral data

Referral Data in the CIP-API represents the clinical data passed to the bioinformatics pipeline from TOMS

Field name Type Description
referralId string Unique human readable referral identifier e.g. r1234567890
referralUid string Referral internal unique identifier
referralTests array List of tests associated to the referral. See "Referral Test" below.
requester OrganisationNgis Requesting organisation of the referral.
orderingDate null or Date Date of referral being created. See Date. This is the date the "submit" button is pressed in TOMS
pedigree null or Pedigree Pedigree - note, this is the Pedigree data at the point the referral was created, therefore does not contain sample information
cancerParticipant null or CancerParticipant Only populated for cancer referrals. Contains participant information. For details see CancerParticipant
clinicalIndication ClinicalIndication Clinical Indication of the referral.
See Clinical Indication
collection string Optional field that can contain common identifier for research cohorts using GMS Framework. Only used for research cases.

Referral Test data

Field name Type Description
referralTestId string Test UID
referralTestOrderingDate null or Date  The date of which the referralTest was sent to Bioinformatics. See Date
clinicalIndicationTest ClinicalIndicationTest  Clinical indication and associated test type

"clinicalIndicationTest": { 
"clinicalIndicationTestTypeCode": "R98.2", 
"testTypeId": "8a6f72ad-c4b7-4575-a654-34c9258f5e7c", 
"technology": { 
"testTechnologyId": "2ad3a7f4-e917-4688-a53b-a560892bc748", 
"testTechnologyDescription": "WGS
"clinicalIndicationTestTypeId": "5855bf27-6f9d-4c04-9d64-a163d618b234", 
"testTypeName": "Inborn errors of metabolism WGS
tumourSamples null or array  Only populated for cancer referrals.

See TumourSample 
UPDATE: In GelReportModels release 7.7 (part of Anna NGIS release) labSampleId part of participant (v1.3.0) in the array of TumorSample is now a String, previously it was an integer
germlineSamples null or array  Populated for rare disease samples and cancer samples where there is a matched germline sample. See GermlineSample 

UPDATE: In GelReportModels release 7.7 (part of Anna NGIS release) labSampleId part of participant (v1.3.0) in the array of GermlineSamples is now a String, previously it was an integer
analysisPanels null or array  Only populated for rare disease cases. Contains details of the PanelApp panel(s) applied for this test.
See AnalysisPanel.
"analysisPanels": [ 

"panelName": "Inborn errors of metabolism", 
"multipleGeneticOrigins": "No", 
"specificDisease": "R98", 
"reviewOutcome": null, 
"panelId": "467", 
"panelVersion": "2.15" 
interpreter OrganisationNgis  Organisation assigned for the interpretation of this test. See OrganisationNgis below.
processingLab OrganisationNgis  Organisation assigned for the processing of the test. See OrganisationNgis below.
priority Priority  Test priority as entered in TOMS. Either routine or urgent. 
These map to the case_priority field returned from the interpretation request endpoint as follows: 
‘routine’ -> ‘medium’ 
‘urgent’ -> ‘urgent’
pipelineStartDate null or Date  Always null
diseasePenetrances null or array  May be populated or null. Contains list of disease penetrances for this test. Includes the specificDisease name and the penetrance (either 'complete or 'incomplete')
matchedSamples null or array  Only populated for cancer cases with matched tumour-germline samples.
Contains list of matched sample IDs. Example: 

"matchedSamples": [ 

"germlineSampleId": "LP5000071-DNA_C01", 
"tumourSampleId": "LP5000063-DNA_C01" 


NGIS Organisation data

Field name Data type Value description
organisationId string Organisation id e.g. 823f68c3-ceb0-b44b-b3c7-0e45f66f4e2a
organisationCode string Organisation code e.g. RWH
organisationName string Organisation name e.g. East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
organisationNationalGroupingId string GLH ODS code e.g. 699M0
organisationNationalGroupingName string GLH name e.g. East Mids and East of England

Pedigree data

This is the pedigree data from TOMS

Field name Type Description
versionControl null or VersionControl  Always null
LDPCode null or string Always null
familyId string Human readable referral ID e.g. r1234567890
members array  List of members of a pedigree. See PedigreeMember. 
UPDATE: In GelReportModels release 7.7 (part of Anna NGIS release) labSampleId part of participant (v1.3.0) in the array of GermlineSamples is now a String, previously and integer
analysisPanels null or array  Always null in referral pedigree. Can be found in ReferralTest > analysisPanels (see above).
diseasePenetrances null or array  Always null in referral pedigree. Can be found in ReferralTest > diseasePenetrances (see above).
readyForAnalysis boolean Flag indicating if a pedigree is ready for analysis
familyQCState null or FamilyQCState  Only present for rare disease cases. See FamilyQCState for available options. 

Last update: 2022-04-01