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API response descriptions

Interpretation Request List: /api/2/interpretation-request/

This endpoint returns a "list" of referrals in the CIP-API that the user is authorised to access.

Please refer to the Swagger documentation for a full list of parameters that can used with this endpoint

Field Name Type Description
interpretation_request_id string case identifier
cip string Name of the company acting as interpretation partner (Decision Support System). Possible values in GMS are: 'congenica', 'illumina', 'genomics_england'
cohort_id string In GMS, the referral ID and an integer representing the version of the clinical data.
sample_type string it can take 2 values: cancer or raredisease
sites array This is 100K specific and should not be used for GMS. Specific sites (GLHs and Labs) associated with GMS referrals should be obtained from relevant fields in the referral object
last_status string The last status this case has entered
proband string Proband ID e.g. p123456789
clinical_reports array List of Dictionaries linking to Clinical Reports associated with the case
interpreted_genomes array List containing one element per Interpreted Genome associated to the case. Only version of the interpreted genome and creation date are present in each element. For example: { "create_at
number_of_samples integer The number of sequenced samples associated with a referral
last_update string The time the status of this case changed ISO 8601 timestamp in format "YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss.sZ"Example: 2020-08-10T12:38:55.606612Z. Note this is different from the last_modified field
files array This field contains a list of files associated with the case. "url", "file_name" and "file_type" are the expected fields in each item. Any type of file will be allowed, but generally, only HTMLs and CSV are present in this list. Although is possible to associate files to rare disease cases. This list is expected to be populated only for cancer cases
case_priority string 'low', 'medium', 'high' or 'urgent'. For GMS cases, the interpretation request case_priority maps to the referral_test priority as follows: ‘medium’ -> ‘routine’ ‘urgent’ -> ‘urgent’
tags array Tags associated with the case. These tags are manually created when a label is necessary in one case. These tags are a tool for the internal users at GEL, they are not expected to be used by external users.
assembly string Can either be GRCh38 or GRCh37
workflow_status string The latest workflow status of the case in the associated Decision Support System
case_id string Case identifier: is compound by a prefix (associated to the DSS partner that will ingest this case), the interpretation_request_id and the version
last_modified string The time the case was last modified ISO 8601 timestamp in the format "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ" Example: 2020-08-10T12:38:55.606612Z Note this is different from the last_update field
program string 'raredisease' or 'cancer'
family_id string Only present for rare disease cases, in GMS this is the Referral ID
referral object Only present if using extra_params=show_referral Referral Information (see Referral Table) added when test is ordered in the Test Order Management System (TOMS). Referral information includes details of the requesting organisation (the GLH; lab ordering the test) and the interpreting organisation (the GLH; lab responsible for the interpretation of the case)
interpretation_flags object Only present if using extra_params=show_interpretation_flags. Flags applied to the case during processing through the WGS pipeline
dss_arrival_date string only present if using extra_params=dss_arrival_date. The time the referral first arrived in the Decision Support System. ISO 8601 timestamp in the format "YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ss.sZ". Example: "2021-08-09T11:00:17.473774Z". This date should match the earliest date the referral was first “sent_to_gmcs” and will be “null” if the referral has not got this status.
      "interpretation_request_id": "1-1",
      "cip": "congenica",
      "cohort_id": "participant_HG00111_1",
      "sample_type": "raredisease",
      "sites": [
      "last_status": "report_sent",
      "proband": "participant_HG00111",
      "clinical_reports": [
          "url": ""
      "interpreted_genomes": [
          "cip_version": 1,
          "create_at": "2019-03-26T09:45:22.837810Z"
      "number_of_samples": 1,
      "last_update": "2019-04-26 16:13:31",
      "files": [],
      "case_priority": "low",
      "tags": [],
      "assembly": "GRCh38",
      "workflow_status": "Pending Review",
      "case_id": "GEL-1-1",
      "last_modified": "2019-04-26T16:13:31.171957Z",
      "program": "rare_disease",
      "family_id": "participant_HG00111",
      "interpretation_flags": null,
      "dss_arrival_date": null

Interpretation Request Endpoint: /api/2/interpretation-request/{id}/{version}

This endpoint returns complete set of details about a referral, including pedigree information, interpretation service results e.g. tiering results as well as clinical reports and exit questionnaires

Field Name Type Description
status array[object] This is an array of all statuses this case has been.
Each element in the array contains the following items:
status: for a full detailed list of all possible status see here
created_at: date time at which this case entered in this status.
user: The user that triggered the action that made the case enter in this status
interpretation_request_id string Case identifier
version integer The version of this referral
created_at datetime Datetime of the creation of the case
last_modified datetime The time the case was last modified ISO 8601 timestamp in format "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ"Example: 2020-08-10T12:38:55.606612Z
cip string Name of the company acting as interpretation partner (Decision Support System). Possible values in GMS are: 'congenica', 'illumina', 'genomics_england'
sample_type string It can take 2 values: cancer and raredisease
interpretation_request_data Object This is a dictionary of one single item json_request which contains the interpreation_request_data.
Depending on the program it will be either:
Rare Disease Interpretation Request Data, or
Cancer Interpretation Request Data
gel_tiering_qc_outcome list Not used in GMS. Always an empty list
cohort_id string In GMS, the referral ID and an integer representing the version of the clinical data.
interpreted_genome array[InterpretedGenome] List of all interpreted genomes associated to this case.
In GMS for rare disease cases exomiser and genomics_england_tiering interpreted genomes, for cancer only genomics_england_tiering is expected
clinical_report array[ClinicalReport] List of clinical reports associated to this case.
For rare disease the clinical report is generated by Interpretation Portal or Congenica.
For cancer referrals, clinical reports are generated by the bioinformatics pipeline (containing a subset of the Cancer genomics England tiering interpreted genome)
proband string Proband ID e.g. p123456789
number_of_samples integer number of sequenced samples in this analysis
files array[File] This field contains a list of files associated with the case.
"url", "file_name" and "file_type" are the expected fields in each item.
Any type of file will be allowed, but generally, only HTMLs and CSV are present in this list.
Although it is possible to associate files to rare disease cases, this list is expected to be populated only for cancer cases
last_status string Last status this case has entered
labkey_links array Not used in GMS. Always an empty list
case_priority string 'low', 'medium', 'high' or 'urgent'. For GMS cases, the interpretation request case_priority maps to the referral_test priority as follows: ‘medium’ -> ‘routine’ ‘urgent’ -> ‘urgent’
tags array Tags associated to the case. These tags are manually created when a label is necessary in one case. These tags are a tool for the internal users at GEL, they are not expected to be used by external users.
family_id string Only present for rare disease cases, in GMS this is the Referral Id
assembly string Fixed value: GRCh38
case_id string Case identifier: is compound by a prefix (associated to the DSS partner that will ingest this case), the interpretation_request_id and the version
program Program it can take 2 values: cancer and raredisease
cancer_participant string Only present for cancer cases, in GMS this is the Referral Id
referral [Referral] Referral information associated to this case. Please note that this field is conditional to the query parameter: ?extra_params=show_referral
status: [...],
interpretation_request_id: 2533,
version: "1",
created_at: "2020-01-02T15:19:13.832526Z",
last_modified: "2020-01-02T15:19:14.409335Z",
cip: "genomics_england",
sample_type: "raredisease",
interpretation_request_data: {},
gel_tiering_qc_outcome: [...],
cohort_id: "9UILCQZCTX6H",
interpreted_genome: [...],
clinical_report: [...],
proband: "participant_NA19314",
number_of_samples: 1,
files: [...],
last_status: "interpretation_generated",
labkey_links: [...],
case_priority: "medium",
tags: [...],
family_id: "9UILCQZCTX6H",
assembly: "GRCh37",
case_id: "GEL-2533-1",
program: "rare_disease",
referral: {...}

Clinical Report Endpoint: /api/2/clinical-report

This endpoint returns a list of Clinical Reports

Field Name Type Description
clinical_report_data ClinicalReport For Cancer referrals, Clinical Reports are created by the Bioinformatics Pipeline.
For Rare disease referrals, Clinical Reports can be created in either the Interpretation Portal or DSS.
For further info:
Clinical Reports can be generated either in :
Cancer clinical report,
Congenica clinical report,
Interpretation Portal clinical report.
created_at datetime Creation date-time of this clinical report
exit_questionnaire ExitQuestionnaire For extra documentation about the Exit Questionnaire look at the data model described in:
clinical_report_version Integer This is the version of the clinical report.
valid boolean This value is used for internal checks, is expected to be always True
timestamp Integer The timestamp of the creation time
clinical_report_data: {...},
created_at: "2019-04-23T13:17:44.062491Z",
exit_questionnaire: {...},
clinical_report_version: 1,
valid: true,
timestamp: 1556025464.06134

Interpreted Genome Endpoint: /api/2/interpreted-genome

Returns a list of all the Interpreted Genomes (results of interpretation services)

Field Name Type Description
cip_version integer Ordinal number of this interpreted genome (for this case)
created_at datetime Creation date-time of this interpreted genome
interpreted_genome_data InterpretedGenome The result of the interpretation service, for GMS it can be: Exomiser, Tiering Rare Disease and Tiering Cancer
gel_qc_outcome array Not used for GMS. Empty array expected
status string Not used for GMS. Empty array expected
cip_version: 1,
created_at: "2020-01-02T15:19:14.893207Z",
interpreted_genome_data: {...},
gel_qc_outcome: [ ],
status: [ ]

Referral Endpoint: /api/2/referral/

Returns a list of GMS referrals

Field Name Type Description
referral_id string Referral human readable identifier
referral_uid string Referral internal unique identifier
ordering_date Date Ordering date of this referral
analysis_scope string it can take 2 values: cancer and raredisease
referral_data Referral Object This is the raw information for the referral data
last_modified Datetime Datetime of the last modification of the referral data
create_at Datetime Datetime of the registration of the referral data in the CIP-API
referral_test ReferralTest Referral Test data
requester_organisation_id string Requester Organisation id e.g. 2c429932-edd6-6b43-92b2-211ea05b4604
requester_organisation_code string Requester organisation code e.g. RP4
requester_organisation_name string Requester organisation name e.g. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust
requester_organisation_national_grouping_id string Requester GLH code e.g. 69A70
requester_organisation_national_grouping_name string Requester GLH name e.g. London North
econsent string Summary of the patient consent data.
Contains 2 fields:
participant_consent: Array with the consent information for all patients in this case. And,
overall_econsent: It can take 3 values:
green (all patients in the case have consented for primary findings),
amber (at least one patient is missing the consent record, or the record is not completed),
red (at least one of the patients has not consented for primary findings)
clinical_indication_code string Clinical indication code
clinical_indication_full_name string Clinical indication name
referral_id: "3AT3LJKANCJG",
referral_uid: "NNBVTANU-S84F-E6M4-AK5K-DO69RABOCMNU",
ordering_date: "2019-06-30",
analysis_scope: "raredisease",
referral_data: {},
last_modified: "2020-01-02T15:21:24.239129Z",
create_at: "2020-01-02T15:21:24.239102Z",
referral_test: [],
requester_organisation_id: "26217e14-c3ae-0745-a83b-c488272c58d7",
requester_organisation_code: "RFS",
requester_organisation_name: "Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust",
requester_organisation_national_grouping_id: "699M0",
requester_organisation_national_grouping_name: "East Mids and East of England",
econsent: {},
clinical_indication_code: "R29",
clinical_indication_full_name: "Intellectual disability"

Returns a list of patients in a referral and their consent status

Field Name Type Description
participant_id string Patient internal id e.g. bd731d96-cf96-4aba-8405-26c7b23275dc
referral_id string Referral internal id e.g. c89b0acd-ecb6-4967-afc5-a3b91ed54238
primaryGenomicTestingConsent string Primary finding testing consent. Possible values are: undefined, yes, no
researchDiscussion string Whether the research discussion took place. Possible values are: undefined, yes, no
researchFindingConsent string Research Finding consent. Possible values are: undefined, yes, no
pharmocogenomicsFindingConsent string Pharmocogenomics Finding consent. Possible values are: undefined, yes, no. Please note there is a typo in this field it will be corrected in next releases.
healthRelatedFindingConsent string Health Related Finding testing consent. Possible values are: undefined, yes, no
carrierStatusConsent string Carrier Status consent. Possible values are: undefined, yes, no
laststring_modified Datetime Datetime of the last modification of the referral data
econsent: [
participant_id: "d19d0b42-d04c-40c4-b9d2-2f444b205a12",
referral_id: "544cdf53-d502-4d86-8ec6-b15c8a9bdf2a",
primaryGenomicTestingConsent: "yes",
researchDiscussion: "yes",
researchFindingConsent: "yes",
pharmocogenomicsFindingConsent: "undefined",
healthRelatedFindingConsent: "undefined",
carrierStatusConsent: "undefined",
last_modified: "2021-11-29T15:18:58.915454Z"
participant_id: "97903fef-8e1f-4549-972a-44eb03eb2e80",
referral_id: "544cdf53-d502-4d86-8ec6-b15c8a9bdf2a",
primaryGenomicTestingConsent: "yes",
researchDiscussion: "yes",
researchFindingConsent: "yes",
pharmocogenomicsFindingConsent: "undefined",
healthRelatedFindingConsent: "undefined",
carrierStatusConsent: "undefined",
last_modified: "2021-11-29T15:19:00.353379Z"
participant_id: "428a56ed-927d-4d25-96f7-23b5b0b1928c",
referral_id: "544cdf53-d502-4d86-8ec6-b15c8a9bdf2a",
primaryGenomicTestingConsent: "yes",
researchDiscussion: "yes",
researchFindingConsent: "yes",
pharmocogenomicsFindingConsent: "undefined",
healthRelatedFindingConsent: "undefined",
carrierStatusConsent: "undefined",
last_modified: "2021-11-29T15:19:00.869038Z"

Referral Test Endpoint

Field Name Type Description
referral_test_id string Human readable referral test identifier
clinical_indication_test_type_id string Internal identifier for the type of clinical indication test i.e a42fb6e7-532b-4a41-b944-d01840ec74fa
clinical_indication_test_code string clinical indication test code e.g. M80.1
clinical_indication_test_name string clinical indication test name e.g. WGS Germline and Tumour
test_technology_id string Internal id of the technology used in this test
testTechnologyDescription string Description of the technology used in this test. e.g. WGS
ordering_date date Ordering date of this referral test
interpretation_request string Interpretation request URL associated to this referral (relationship between referral test and interpretation request is 1:1). Only WGS tests will have a interpretation request associated to it.
create_at datetime Datetime of the registration of the referral test data in the CIP-API
last_modified datetime Datetime of the last modification of the referral test data
interpreter_organisation_id string Interpreter Organisation id e.g. 2c429932-edd6-6b43-92b2-211ea05b4604
interpreter_organisation_code string Interpreter organisation code e.g. RP4
interpreter_organisation_name string Interpreter organisation name e.g. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust)
interpreter_organisation_id string Interpreter Organisation id e.g. 2c429932-edd6-6b43-92b2-211ea05b4604
interpreter_organisation_national_grouping_name string Interpreter GLH name e.g. London North
interpretation_request_id integer Interpretation request id associated to this referral
interpretation_request_version interger Interpretation request version associated to this referral
  "referral_test_id": "193a0c05-be6f-46c6-a91b-9bfd9b254166",
  "clinical_indication_test_type_id": "1f3de9e5-9759-4849-9533-412b8294e14a",
  "clinical_indication_test_code": "R104.3",
  "clinical_indication_test_name": "Skeletal dysplasia WGS",
  "test_technology_id": "2ad3a7f4-e917-4688-a53b-a560892bc748",
  "testTechnologyDescription": "WGS",
  "ordering_date": "2021-11-18",
  "interpretation_request": "",
  "create_at": "2021-11-19T15:22:39.577805Z",
  "last_modified": "2021-11-19T15:22:39.577829Z",
  "interpreter_organisation_id": "79df6e6b-4c70-114b-9262-30ba10916cd9",
  "interpreter_organisation_code": "69A70",
  "interpreter_organisation_name": "North Thames Genomic Laboratory Hub",
  "interpreter_organisation_national_grouping_id": "69A70",
  "interpreter_organisation_national_grouping_name": "North Thames Genomic Laboratory Hub",
  "interpretation_request_id": 3106,
  "interpretation_request_version": 1

Last update: 2023-03-01